Don’t Hire a Product Manager Without These 4 Traits

Don’t Hire a Product Manager Without These 4 Traits

Hiring a Product Manager is often one of the most critical searches a company can make. For many companies, it’s also an intimidating hire, complicated by the fact that what separates a GOOD Product Manager from a GREAT one is the combination of left brain and right brain traits. Since product and product leadership is…

Recruiting Product Managers from Silicon Valley: 3 Things to Keep in Mind

Recruiting Product Managers from Silicon Valley: 3 Things to Keep in Mind

As Product Management recruiters, we often engage with Founders/CEOs who specifically ask us to look in the Bay Area for the talent they need. They are hoping to hire a Product Manager from a recognizable brand (you can guess the list of companies they want us to target—it’s exactly who you’re thinking of), and they…

Resignation Best Practices and Navigating Counter Offers

Resignation Best Practices and Navigating Counter Offers

Job searching can be a long, difficult process. You’ve been leading a double life—getting the results you need for your current employer while presenting your best self in the interview process. Unfortunately, the excitement of accepting a great new job offer can wear off quickly as the realities of resigning and transitioning out of your…

Moving On Up: Transitioning from Individual Contributor to Manager
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Moving On Up: Transitioning from Individual Contributor to Manager

As a Product Management recruiter, I often have conversations with individuals who are currently working as a Senior Product Manager, and are hoping that they will be able to jump into management in their next role. They are only open to hearing about roles with a Director or VP title. And I get it! I…

Resume Writing Advice: Recommendations from a Recruiter

Resume Writing Advice: Recommendations from a Recruiter

Writing an effective resume is a skill that most professionals struggle with. Like interviewing, you (hopefully) don’t get a lot of practice—and the practice you do get is spread out over the course of many years. If you’ve been working in your current role for awhile, it’s likely been years since you’ve had to craft…

Recruiting a Product Marketing Manager? Read this First.
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Recruiting a Product Marketing Manager? Read this First.

Recently, I’ve been working on a number of searches for our clients to help them find a Product Marketing Manager. This has been a slight pivot from recruiting Product Managers or Product Designers, but it’s been great to round out my experience in building world class product teams. With the rise of Product comes the rise…

Product Manager Salary Insights: Video Series
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Product Manager Salary Insights: Video Series

We recently shared a series of videos featuring our Senior Product Recruiter, Heidi Ram. In these 5 videos, Heidi discussed the trends she sees in the Product community, particularly related to Product Manager salaries for individual contributors. While every organization and role has it’s own unique challenges, opportunities, and contexts that impact compensation, there are…

Salary Insights: Demystifying Product Manager Compensation, Part Four [Video Series]

Salary Insights: Demystifying Product Manager Compensation, Part Four [Video Series]

Watch Part Four of our new video series, where our Senior Product Management recruiter, Heidi Ram, shares the trends she’s seeing in Product Manager salaries.If you are looking to build out your Product team (or retain the great talent you already have), this series will be a valuable resource for your compensation discussions. If you…

Salary Insights: Demystifying Product Manager Compensation, Part Two [Video Series]

Salary Insights: Demystifying Product Manager Compensation, Part Two [Video Series]

Watch Part Two of our new video series, where our Senior Product Management recruiter, Heidi Ram, shares the trends she’s seeing in Product Manager salaries. If you are looking to build out your Product team (or retain the great talent you already have), this series will be a valuable resource for your compensation discussions. If…

Salary Insights: Demystifying Product Manager Compensation, Part One [Video Series]

Salary Insights: Demystifying Product Manager Compensation, Part One [Video Series]

Watch Part One of our new video series, where our Senior Product Management recruiter, Heidi Ram, shares the trends she’s seeing in Product Manager salaries. If you are looking to build out your Product team (or retain the great talent you already have), this series will be a valuable resource for your compensation discussions. Watch…

Engaging an Executive Search Firm? 4 Helpful Questions to Ask First

Engaging an Executive Search Firm? 4 Helpful Questions to Ask First

My experience in speaking with CEOs and Founders of Toronto tech start-ups has taught me that not everyone is ready for the services of a 3rd party executive search firm. I’ve realized there are 4 important questions CEOs and Founders should be asking themselves to help determine if we are a good fit to help…

Recruiting a Product Manager? Do These 3 Things First

Recruiting a Product Manager? Do These 3 Things First

I completed my first search for a Product Manager in 2006. Since then, product has become a much bigger deal, overtaking sales as the primary reason why a company will succeed or fail. It’s been a fascinating transition, not only to watch, but to be a part of, as we’ve ramped up our product management…

4 Myths About Job Searching, Debunked

4 Myths About Job Searching, Debunked

Job searching can be both exhausting and emotional. I know this because I spend my days speaking with people who are interested in making moves, and it’s clear that engaging in a job search process—either passively or actively—can be a huge drain. You’re still working full-time, trying to keep your interviews under wraps from your current…